Tuesday, 31 January 2017

அவசரமும் தாமதமும், நகமும் சதையும் போல ஒன்றுக்கொன்று உறவு உண்டு..

அவசரம் முன்னே சென்றால்..நிழல்போல
தாமதம் எப்போதும் பின் தொடரும்

அவசரமாக சாப்பிட்டதெல்லாம்
தாமதமாக செரிக்கிறது...

அவசரமாக ஆத்திரம் வருகிறது...அதன்விளைவை
தாமதமாக உணரமுடிகிறது..

அவசரமாக அறியாதநட்பு கிடைக்கிறது..அதன்பின்
தாமதமாக ஆபத்தும் தொடருகிறது..

அவசரமாகப் படித்ததெல்லாம்
தாமதமாக நினைவுக்கு வருகிறது..

அவசரமாக வாய்விட்ட அபத்த வார்த்தையை
தாமதமாக மனம் திரும்ப அழைக்க நினைக்கிறது..

அவசரமாக எடுத்த முடிவை
தாமதமாக தப்பென்று உணருகிறோம்..

அவசரமாகக் எங்கோ கிளம்பும்போது
தாமதமாக உணர்கிறோம் தவறவிட்டது   எதையோ..

அவசரமாக  கோபக்கனல் கொண்டெழுதும் கடிதத்தில்..
தாமதமாக அறிகிறோம் தவறான வார்த்தையை இருகிறதென்பதை..

அவசரமாகச் செய்ய நினைத்தை...சற்றுநேரம் யோசித்து..
தாமதமாகச் செய்யப் பழகவேண்டும்..பிழையில்லாமல்..

ஆக....ஒவ்வொரு செயலிலும்

முயலைப்போல  அவசரமும் வேண்டாம்..
ஆமையைப்போல தாமதமும் வேண்டாம்..

"முயலாமை" என்றைக்குமே வேண்டாம்...

"நிதானம்" ஒன்றே மிக அவசியம்.

Monday, 30 January 2017

IOT Theft Detection Using Raspberry Pi

Here we propose IOT based theft detection project using Raspberry Pi where we use image processing on live video to detect theft using motion and also highlight the area where motion occurred. This system secures offices/homes from theft by instantly detecting theft as well as allowing user to view the theft details thereby highlighting the theft details and saving the video in a usb drive. In this system we use a camera along with raspberry pi along with a circuit with LCD display IR for night vision and USB drive for storage. The system is powered y a 12V power supply. As soon as camera motion is detected in camera footage the system uses image processing to detect exact area of motion occurrence and highlights it accordingly. The system now transmits the images of the occurance over IOT to be viewed by user online. We here use IOT Gecko to develop the online system. Also it stores the footage in a USB drive for further reference. The user can now decode the data sent online using IOT Gecko IOT system to view the images of the motion occurance live remotely over internet. Thus the system provides an innovative approach to theft detection using IOT.

Hardware Specifications
  • Power Supply
  • Rectifier
  • Regulator
  • LCD Display
  • USB Drive
  • IR LED’s
  • USB Storage
  • Camera
  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Diodes

Software Specifications
  • Linux OS
  • Programming Language: Python
  • IOTGecko
Block Diagram

Friday, 27 January 2017

IOT Office Automation

It is quite difficult for individual office owners to operate one or more that one offices and keep track of each office appliances individually. At such time we need an online solution for physical office appliances control. Her we propose use of iot technology for office appliance automation. This allows owner co control his/her office appliances through the internet using an easy to use GUI. For this system demonstration our system uses an AVR family microcontroller for the purpose. A wifi modem is used for receiving commands over the internet. We use 3 loads and a fan to demonstrate as office loads. A wifi modem is used to receive commands over the internet. The wifi module receives user commands over the internet. This information is then passed on n to the microcontroller. The microcontroller now processes this data and switches the loads through relays. Also it switches the fan as per users commands. Also it displays the status of the system on an LCD screen. Thus office automation system allows user to control his office remotely using IOT technology.

Hardware Specifications
  • Atmega Microcontroller
  • Wifi Modem
  • Transformer
  • Diodes
  • Capacitors
  • Registors
  • Relays
  • LCD Display
  • Voltage Regulator
  • Crystal
  • Small Fan
  • LED
  • Relay Driver IC

Software Specifications
  • Avr Studio
  • MC Programming Language: Embedded C
  • IOTGecko
Block Diagram

IOT Home Automation

IOT or internet of things is an upcoming technology that allows us to control hardware devices through the internet. Here we propose to use IOT in order to control home appliances, thus automating modern homes through the internet. This system uses three loads to demonstrate as house lighting and a fan. Our user friendly interface allows a user to easily control these home appliances through the internet. For this system we use an AVR family microcontroller. This microcontroller is interfaced with a wifi modem to get user commands over the internet. Also we have an LCD display to display system status. Relays are used to switch loads. The entire system is powered by a 12 V transformer. After receiving user commands over the internet, microcontroller processes these instructions to operate these loads accordingly and display the system status on an LCD display. Thus this system allows for efficient home automation over the internet.

Hardware Specifications
  • Atmega Microcontroller
  • Wifi Modem
  • Transformer
  • Diodes
  • Capacitors
  • Resistors
  • Relays
  • LCD Display
  • Voltage Regulator
  • Crystal
  • Motor
  • Small Fan
  • Relay Driver IC
Software Specifications
  • Avr Studio
  • MC Programming Language: Embedded C
  • IOTGecko
Block Diagram

IOT Garbage Monitoring System

This project IOT Garbage Monitoring system is a very innovative system which will help to keep the cities clean. This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bins via a web page. For this the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the bins to detect the garbage level and compare it with the garbage bins depth. The system makes use of AVR family microcontroller, LCD screen, Wifi modem for sending data and a buzzer. The system is powered by a 12V transformer. The LCD screen is used to display the status of the level of garbage collected in the bins. Whereas a web page is built to show the status to the user monitoring it. The web page gives a graphical view of the garbage bins and highlights the garbage collected in color in order to show the level of garbage collected. The LCD screen shows the status of the garbage level. The system puts on the buzzer when the level of garbage collected crosses the set limit. Thus this system helps to keep the city clean by informing about the garbage levels of the bins by providing graphical image of the bins via IOT Gecko web development platform.

Hardware Specifications
  • AVR family microcontroller
  • Wifi Modem
  • LED’s
  • LCD Display
  • 12V transformer
  • Ultrasonic sensors
  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Diodes

Software Specifications
  • Arduino Compiler
  • IOT Gecko
  • MC Programming Language: C

Block Diagram

IOT Liquid Level Monitoring System

This project IOT Liquid Level Monitoring system is a very innovative system which will inform the users about the level of liquid and will prevent it from overflowing. To demonstrate this the system makes use of 4 containers. For this the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the containers to detect the liquid level and compare it with the container’s depth. The system makes use of AVR family microcontroller, LCD screen, Wifi modem for sending data and a buzzer. The system is powered by a 12V transformer. The LCD screen is used to display the status of the level of liquid in the containers. Whereas a web page is built to show the status to the user monitoring it. The web page gives a graphical view of the containers and highlights the liquid level in color in order to show the level of liquid. The LCD screen shows the status of the liquid level. The system puts on the buzzer when the level of liquid collected crosses the set limit. Thus this system helps to prevent the wastage of water by informing about the liquid levels of the containers by providing graphical image of the containers via a web page.

Hardware Specifications
  • Atmega 328 microcontroller
  • Wifi Modem
  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • 12V transformer
  • Ultrasonic sensors
  • Diodes
  • LED’s
  • LCD Display

Software Specifications
  • Arduino Compiler
  • MC Programming Language: Embedded C
  • IOTGecko
Block Diagram

IOT Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi

Internet of things is a technology of the future that has already started to touch our homes. Here we propose an IOT based home automation system using raspberry pi that automates home appliances and allows user to control them easily through internet from anywhere over the world. Our proposed system consists of a microcontroller based circuit that has lights and fan connected to it along with LCD display and Wifi connector interfaced with raspberry pi. Our system interacts with out online IOT system that IOT Gecko free web interface for controlling our home appliances with ease. After linking with IOT Gecko, the user is allowed to send load switching commands over IOT to our circuit. The circuit receives the commands over IOT by connecting to internet using wifi connector and then the raspberry processor processes these commands. After this the processor now processes these instructions to get user commands. It then displays these on an LCD display. Also it operates the loads (lights and fan) for switch them on/off according to desired user commands. Thus we automate home appliances over internet using raspberry pi.

Hardware Specifications
  • Rectifier
  • Regulator
  • LCD Display
  • Relay Driver
  • Power Supply
  • Lamps
  • Fan
  • Wifi Connection Modem
  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Diodes
Software Specifications
  • Linux OS
  • Programming Language: Python
  • IOTGecko
Block Diagram

IoT Projects Using Arduino

1.    Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Android Medical Care IOT using Modified Parameters: Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Android Medical Care IOT using Modified Parameters.

2.    Smoking Meat with the Internet of Things: This project shows the internal grill monitoring and is monitored over the internet.Arduino plays a key role in this project.

3.    Internet of Things with Android and Arduino: Control remote Led: This project shows the intergration of arduino with Android using IOT.

4.    Build a cloud-ready temperature sensor with the Arduino Uno and the IBM Watson IoT Platform: This project shows the building of a temperature sensor.It uses alrduino and Iot platform dveloped by the IBM.

5.    An IoT Temperature Monitor for Balcony Garden: An Arduino based garden temperature monitoring system is designed here. The system uses a Wi-Fi module to make it an Internet of Things (IoT) device. The system continuously monitors the temperature and posts the readings on the web. The device runs on a battery and in order to save the battery, the readings are taken every 10 minutes and the Arduino goes to sleep.

IoT Projects with Raspberry Pi

1.    Exploring IOT Application Using Raspberry Pi: This project shows the functiong of raspberry pi as server.Several computers are connected to it and files are accesed and deleted over the network.These are accesed through password to prive security.

2.    Raspberry Pi as Internet of Things hardware: Performances and Constraints: This paper compares the keyelements,perfomance of presnt exisitng IOT platforms with rasberry pi.It shows that rasp bery pi is the best with some disadvantages.

3.    IoT Based Biometrics Implementation on Raspberry Pi: Here a low cost IOT based biometric system was built.The application of raspberry pi and cloud computing lead to new way in the rasearch of IOT.

4.    Review on Temperature & Humidity Sensing using IoT: Here is the temperature and humidity sensing using IOT.This is a novel method using raspberry pi scriptung.

5.    Raspberry pi Based Smart Supervisor using Internet of Things (IoT): The smart supervisor system consists of a USB camera, it is encoded on arm-Linux platform,then it is transmitted,and is decoded and displayed as H.264 video.

6.    Internet Of Things with Raspberry Pi – 1: This project shows the controling of an LED over the LAN using Raspberry pi-1

7.    Pi Zero IOT Led Matrix Beamer: IOT LED matrix beamer displays the messages and pictures on wall from the internet.It uses raspberry pi0 board, Lamp,OGT cable.

8.    IoT Temperature Sensor with Raspberry Pi 2 and Thermistor: This project shows the temperature monitoring with raspberry pi.A thermistor is used for monitoring th e temperature.

9.    Motion Controlled Servos using IoT: Real time data streaming using IoT is demonstrated in this project. A Raspberry Pi based motion control of servo motors with live data streaming over the internet is implemented. Leap Motion controller is used for motion tracking and PubNub library is used for data streaming. Four servos and two 8×8 RGB LED matrices are used for detecting motion of the hands and displaying colors according to the spacing between fingers.

10. IoT based Stepper Motor Control with Raspberry Pi: The combination of Raspberry Pi and IoT is an exciting one. Raspberry Pi has many general purpose I/O pins and has the ability to control different actuators like stepper motors. In this project, an internet control of stepper motor using Raspberry Pi computer is developed. The connectivity is divided into server side software and client side software.

11. IoT Weather Station: A Raspberry Pi and Arduino based IoT weather station is designed in this project. Raspberry Pi provides the necessary network or internet connections while Arduino is associated with the sensors like temperature. The data from the sensor is collected by the Raspberry Pi and is uploaded to a cloud server via SAMI API. The collected data can be monitored and analyzed remotely.

12. Home Automation using Raspberry Pi 2 and Windows 10 IoT: This project utilises raspbeery pi and arduino for home automation using IOT.

13. Multi Room Music Player: An IoT based multi room audio or music streaming system is explained here. A multi room audio system can be used to listen to music in every room of the house. The system uses a Raspberry Pi as the main controller with IR control and relay board for enabling or disabling speakers in specific room. Can be used with Ethernet or Wi-Fi and has the ability to play audio from PC, iPhone or online.

14. Minimizing Electricity Theft by Internet of Things: Energy theft is a serious issue as energy is a valuable but limited resource. The aim of the system mentioned here is to detect electricity theft. It also monitors the energy usage and intimates the customer. A Raspberry Pi based system is used with Wi-Fi connectivity as it implements the IoT network. Any discrepancies in electricity usage, the data is transferred to the remote server over internet.

IoT Home Automation Projects

1.    Forget Me Not Design Challenge:Here is the project that uses IOT to make you remember some things at home.This system automatically switchs off all the devices using a single button.Monitors romm temperature and ensures all doors are closed.It also feeds the cats anf monitors it.

2.    Remote monitoring of transformer / generator health over internet:In this project, real time data of a distribution transformer is acquired remotely over the internet. A temperature sensor, voltage transformer and a current transformer are used to monitor the Temperature T, Voltage V and Current I. The measured values are then transferred over the internet to anywhere in the world. This project falls under the category of Internet of Things (IOT). The important components of the project are 8051 Microcontroller, T, V and I sensors, Wi-Fi Module and ADC.

3.    Automatic Smart Parking System using Internet of Things (IOT): Here an autoamtic parking system was developed.This system finds the nearest parking area and also provides parking slot in the given area.Thus it reduces the time in fining parking area and also fuel consumption of the vehicle.

4.    Energy Meter Reading over Internet:An Internet of Things (IOT) based energy meter reading system is designed here. It is an 8051 microcontroller based project that measures the reading of the energy meter and calculates the units consumed and the corresponding cost. An LDR sensor is used to read the blinking LED in the meter. A GSM Modem is interface with the microcontroller in order to send the readings and cost to a webpage over the internet.

5.    IOT Based Raspberry Pi Home Automation Using IBM Bluemix: This project shows the home automation using IBM’s Bluemix package.One can control the home appliances from anywhere in the world.

6.    IOT based Home Automation Over the Cloud:A simple home automation system using Internet of Things (IoT) concept is designed in this project. A Programmable Wi-Fi module is the main component of the project and all the necessary code is written in it eliminating the use of microcontroller. a web based application is used to send the commands over the internet. TRIACs and Opto Isolators are used to control the loads

7.    IoT Home Security Model: This home security system continuously monitors the activities in the home and if there is any harmful activity it is intimated to the owner .The data is stored in the cloud.

8.    IoT DoorBell: This projects shows an automatic door bell which sends an sms or email.Thus the owner can easily monitor from anywhere if someone knock his door.

9.    Home Automation Using Internet of Things: Internet of Things (IoT) allows us to implement home automation system that can be controlled remotely through internet. The proposed system can monitor different parameters like gas, light, motion detection, temperature, etc. using the sensor data and also trigger a process according to the requirement. The data from the sensors are uploaded to a cloud server and this data can be used to analyze the parameters.

10. Smart e-Health Gateway: Bringing Intelligence to Internet-of-Things Based Ubiquitous Healthcare Systems: The paper focus on the fields of IoT and health care systems. A smart e-Health gateway is proposed here which acts as a bridge for medical sensors and hospital automation systems to internet and cloud computing platforms. Such gateways can be used in energy efficiency, reliability and interoperability of the health care systems.

11. Internet of Things: Ubiquitous Home Control and Monitoring System using Android based Smart Phone: Smart homes or home automation is one of the main applications of IoT and a low cost home monitor and control system is presented in this paper. The system has an embedded web server with internet connectivity. An Android application can be used to remotely control the appliances over the internet. Either mobile networks like 3G/4G or internet using Wi-Fi can be used.

12. Internet of Things Based Architecture of Web and Smart Home Interface Using GSM: The smart home system uses GSM and internet for controlling the home appliances.It can be monitored from anywhere in world.Commands from the web server are converted into GSM commands and sent to the receiver.This controls the appliances

Thursday, 26 January 2017

நாங்களும் நல்லவர்களே

நாங்களும் நல்லவர்களே! 
நரிகள் என்றாலே ஏமாற்றுப் பேர்வழிகள் என்று பெயர் ஏற்பட்டிருந்தது. 

அதனால் அந்தக் காட்டுக்குள் நரிகளைக் கண்டாலே எல்லா விலங்குகளும் கடித்து விரட்டின. எனவே நரிகள் அந்தக் காட்டை காலி செய்து கொண்டு அடுத்த காட்டிற்குச் சென்றுவிட்டன. 

இரண்டு தலைமுறைகள் கடந்துவிட்டன. மூன்றாவது தலைமுறையில் பரதன் என்ற இளம் நரி இருந்தது. அதற்கு தனது மூதாதையார் கதையைக் கேட்டதும் அவமானமாக இருந்தது. இந்த அவமானத்தை துடைத்து திரும்பவும் சொந்த காட்டில் வாழ வேண்டும். நம் இனத்தையும் சொந்த காட்டிற்கு அழைத்துச் செல்ல வேண்டும் என எண்ணியது. 

அதற்காக பழைய காட்டிற்குச் சென்று அனைத்து விலங்குகளையும் சந்தித்து பேசுவது என்று முடிவெடுத்த பரதன் பயணத்தை தொடங்கியது. 

பரதனைக் கண்ட மற்ற விலங்குகள், ‘புதிய வன் யாரோ வருகிறான்’ என்று கலங்கின. வயதான விலங்குகளோ நரியை அடையாளம் கண்டு கொண்டு, ‘இவன் இங்கு எங்கே வந்தான்’ என்று முறைத்தன. ‘அவனிடம் யாரும் பேச வேண்டாம்’ என்று இளைய தலைமுறைக்கு உத்தரவிட்டன. 

“எங்கள் இனத்தை சகுனி குணம் படைத்தவர்கள், கூட இருந்தே குழி பறிப்பவர்கள். தந்திரசாலிகள் என்று யாரோ கட்டிவிட்ட கதையை நம்பலாமா? நாங்கள் மட்டும்தான் கெட்டவர்களா? மலர்களில் எல்லாமே மணமிக்கதா? மணமற்றவையும் கலந்துதான் உள்ளன. எங்களிலும் நல்லவர்களும் உண்டு” என்று வாதம் செய்து விலங்குகளிடம் நியாயம் கேட்டது. 

ஆனால் எல்லா விலங்குகளும் அதை ஏற்பதாக இல்லை. ‘நீ இங்கிருந்து ஓடிப் போய்விடு’ என்று விரட்டின. மனம் உடைந்த நரி, மலை மீதேறி கிழே விழுந்து உயிரை விட்டுவிட முடிவெடுத்தது. 

அப்போது அங்கிருந்த குயில், “நரி அண்ணே உங்கள் இனத்தின் அவப்பெயரை துடைக்க தானே புறப்பட்டு வந்தீர்? ஒரு லட்சியத்தை சுலபமாக அடைய முடியாது. விலங்குகள் போற்றும்படி செய்து அவைகளின் நம்பிக்கையைப் பெற்றால் உங்கள் குறிக்கோள் வெற்றி பெறும். மயற்சி செய்யுங்கள்” என்றது. 

நீ சொல்வதும் சரிதான் என்ற நரி தற்கொலை முடிவை கைவிட்டது. புத்திசாலித்தனமாக செயல்பட முடிவெடுத்தது. 

வேடர்கள் வலை விரித்திருந்ததைக் கூறி பறவைகளிடம் நன்மதிப்பைப் பெற்றது நரி. அதேபோல காலுடைந்த முயலை பத்திரமாக அதன் இருப்பிடத்திற்க்கு அழைத்து வந்து விட்டது. ஒரு மரத்தில் இருந்து தவறி விழுந்த குருவிக் குஞ்சை, அதன் கூட்டில் எடுத்து வைத்தது. இதைக் கண்ட தாய்ப்பறவை நரியை வாழ்த்தியது. 

இப்படியே சின்னச் சின்ன உதவிகளைச் செய்து நரி கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமாக நற்பேர் பெற்று வந்தது. 

ஒரு நாள் வேட்டைக்கார்கள், பெரிய பள்ளம் வெட்டி இலை தழைகளால் மூடி வைப்பதை நரி பார்த்தது. அந்தப் பக்கமாக வந்த யானைக் கூட்டத்தை எச்சரிக்கை செய்து அவற்றை காப்பாற்றியது. 

யானைக்கூட்டம் காட்டுக்கு ராஜாவான சிங்கத்திடம் நரி செய்த உதவியை சொல்லின. அதேபோல முயல், புறாக்கள், பறவைகளும் தங்களுக்கு நரி செய்த நன்மையைக் கூறின. இதனால் சிங்கராஜா, நரிகளை தங்கள் காட்டில் சேர்த்துக் கொள்வதாக முடிவெடுத்தது. மற்ற மிருகங்களும் அதை ஆமோதித்தன. 

பரதன் சந்தோஷமாக தங்கள் வசிப்பிடத்திற்குச் சென்றது. தங்கள் குழுவினருடன் தங்கள் சொந்த காட்டுக்கு திரும்பி வந்து வாழத் தொடங்கியது. 