Wednesday 1 February 2017

What was the strangest thing you found cleaning out your parents’ house after they died?

My mother passed away at the end of 2007. When my sister and I were cleaning out her bedroom, packing clothes to be delivered to various charities and help centers, I told my sister we should look under the mattresses. Not only hers, but also my father’s bed. (He passed in 1985). My mother used to joke about hiding money from the government, and said “it’s under the mattress”.
Well, my sister said to give it a shot. Under my mother’s mattress, nothing. Under my father’s mattress, there was an envelope. In it, there was a small note, yellow with age. On it were written two words: “Ha ha.”
That was it.
My mother was not noted for her sense of humor, but my sister and I laughed over it. At least my mother put a smile on my face even though she was no longer there.

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