Thursday 2 February 2017

What websites do the richest people spend their time on?

My boss, a photographer, often takes portraits of the super rich, Recently (via reverse image search) he noticed that several of his images kept turning up on the same quite small UK site The Steeple Times, here is a typical post: The Cherry on The Cake
When I called them to check on usage, if found that in every case they had been given the images by our subjects, amoung their readers are Bill Gates, Jef Bezos, Halsey Minor, Mark Z and not a few international royals and and an incredible list of the richest people on the planet, when we asked if we could advertise they explained that they did not take or need advertising except from a few friends of the owners???
We both subscribed and now we are both addicted and fascinated by this strange inside into the real interests of a very strange elite. Go figure?

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